F624: Preparation for Safe-Orderly Transfer-Discharge
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Clearpol's Opinion of this Guidance as of 10-21-22
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Clearpol's AI Summary
Nursing homes/healthcare facilities must provide and document sufficient preparation and orientation to residents to ensure safe and orderly transfer or discharge from the facility. This orientation must be provided in a form and manner that the resident can understand, taking into consideration factors such as educational level, language and/or communication barriers, and physical and mental impairments. The facility must also document this orientation in the medical record, including the resident’s understanding of the transfer or discharge. Facilities must also ensure that the resident’s possessions are not left behind or lost and that staff handle transfers and discharges in a manner that minimizes anxiety or depression. In addition, for transfers and discharges to another healthcare setting, the facility must convey clinical information to the receiving provider. Facilities must also have a Transfer Agreement in place for timely transfer to the acute care facility. These new actions will help ensure that residents are prepared for transfers and discharges and that their health and safety needs are met.
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