F675: Quality of Life
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Clearpol's Opinion of this Guidance as of 10-21-22
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Clearpol's AI Summary
Nursing homes and healthcare facilities must ensure that the care and services they provide support and enhance the quality of life for their residents. This includes creating a culture of respect and dignity, allowing residents to make their own choices, and providing opportunities for social activities. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has identified that noncompliance with other regulatory tags can lead to an environment of pervasive disregard for the quality of life of the facility's residents, and can lead to immediate jeopardy. Facilities must ensure that all staff understand the principles of quality of life and honor and support these principles for each resident. Leadership should observe and evaluate verbal and nonverbal interactions between staff and residents to identify whether staff are supporting each resident's quality of life. This letter serves as a reminder to nursing homes and healthcare facilities to create an environment that humanizes and promotes each resident's well-being, and feeling of self-worth and self-esteem.
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