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Clearpol's Opinion of this Guidance as of 02/10/2020
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Clearpol's AI Summary
The California Department of Public Health issued an All Facilities Letter (AFL 20-13) on February 10, 2020, notifying healthcare facilities of the CDC's interim guidance on risk assessment and management of potential exposure of healthcare personnel to the 2019-nCoV. The letter advises healthcare facilities to review the CDC's Interim U.S. Guidance for Risk Assessment and Public Health Management of Healthcare Personnel with Potential Exposure in a Healthcare Setting to Patients with 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV). The guidance includes risk assessment categories, monitoring recommendations, and exposure risk factors for healthcare personnel. Facilities should use clinical judgment and the CDC's principles when evaluating risk of exposure and management of potential exposure. They should also coordinate with their local public health department to assess risk, determine the need for work restrictions, and guide monitoring decisions. Healthcare personnel with potential travel or community exposures should have their exposure risk assessed according to the CDC's Interim Guidance for travel or community-associated exposures. Lastly, the CDPH will host weekly All Facility Calls to discuss response and prevention planning for the 2019-nCoV.
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