AFL 22-31
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Clearpol's Opinion of this Guidance as of 12/12/2022
Guidance for admission and readmission of SNF residents during seasonal hospital surges and the COVID-19 pandemic; working with LHD and hospital DC planners to ensure appropriate placement of residents following hospital discharge.
Includes updated guidance based on SARS-CoV-2 testing and management of new SNF admissions and readmissions. It supersedes AFL 20-87.1
Testing and Management of Newly Admitted and Readmitted Residents The CDC has updated guidance on testing and management of newly admitted and readmitted residents
· Newly admitted residents and residents who have left the facility for >24 hours, regardless of vaccination status, should have a series of three viral tests for SARS-COV-2 infection; immediately upon transfer or admission and, if negative, again at 3 days and 5 days after their admission.
· Quarantine is no longer required for newly admitted and readmitted residents regardless of vaccination status.
· Results for asymptomatic patients tested in the hospital do not have to be available prior to SNF transfer. SNFs may not require a negative test result prior to accepting a new admission. Two negative tests are not required prior to transfer.
· Testing is not required for hospitalized residents who tested positive for COVID-19 and met criteria for discontinuation of isolation and precautions prior to SNF admission or readmission and are within 30 days of their infection; testing of recovered residents within 31-90 days of prior infection should be done using an antigen test, preferably.
Procedures for the Duration of Isolation of Residents
CDC generally recommends against the use of a test-based strategy (two tests 24 hours apart) to discontinue isolation and transmission-based precautions for SARS-CoV-2 positive patients or residents, except under special circumstances. Facilities should use the symptoms or time-based
strategy for discontinuing isolation and transmission-based precautions for SARS-CoV-2 positive individuals. Residents who test positive and are symptomatic should be isolated (regardless of their vaccination status) until the following conditions are met:
· At least 10 days have passed since symptom onset; AND
· At least 24 hours have passed since resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications; AND
· Any other symptoms have improved
· NOTE: The timeframe from symptoms onset could be extended up to 20 days for individuals who are severely immunocompromised, or who had critical illness and beyond 20 days for individuals who are severely immunocompromised; use of a test-based strategy and consultation with an infectious disease specialist is recommended to determine when transmission-based precautions could be discontinued for these individuals.
Residents who test positive and are asymptomatic throughout their infection should be isolated for at least 10 days following the date of their positive test.
Limitations on New Admissions during an Outbreak
Many LHD require SNFs to close to new admissions during an outbreak until transmission is contained; for COVID-19 outbreaks, containment is generally evidenced by two sequentially negative rounds of response testing among residents over 14 days, and for influenza, containment is generally evidenced by no new cases for one week. However, demonstration of containment should not be the sole basis for determining closures to new admissions. Particularly during hospital surges, LHD should consider the following factors to allow flexibility for SNFs to continue admitting new residents before outbreak containment is demonstrated:
· SNF has implemented outbreak control measures, as appropriate, such as post exposure or response testing, cohorting, transmission-based precautions, and chemoprophylaxis.
· SNF has no staffing shortage or operational problems. SNF must have a trained infection preventionist. Long term staffing plans should be documented.
· SNF has adequate PPE, staff from all shifts have access to N95 respirator fit testing and all staff have been fit-tested to the respirator model(s) currently available for use in the facility, and access to adequate hand hygiene and environmental cleaning supplies
Request for Admission/Transfer Review or Guidance
CDPH requests that hospitals or SNFs that encounter difficulty in transitioning new or returning residents from an acute care hospital to a SNF based on their COVID-19 status or COVID-19-related admission hold contact the LHD, the healthcare associated infections program of CDPH (or the district office) for review of the admission decision and suggestions for next steps.
LHDs and their acute hospital and SNF partners are encouraged to proactively communicate on issues relating to SNF access, and the implications for regional capacity and surge planning, and to collaborate on development and dissemination of policies most appropriate for their specific county.
SNFs may submit any questions about infection prevention and control of COVID-19 to the CDPH Healthcare-Associated Infections Program via email at or
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Clearpol's AI Summary
The California Department of Health has issued a new All Facilities Letter (AFL) providing guidance for admission and readmission of skilled nursing facility (SNF) residents during seasonal hospital surges and the COVID-19 pandemic. The AFL advises SNFs and general acute care hospitals to work with local public health departments and hospital discharge planners to ensure appropriate placement of residents following hospital discharge. The letter includes updated guidance on SARS-CoV-2 testing and management of new SNF admissions and readmissions. SNFs are expected to be operationally prepared for safe admissions or readmissions, including maintaining adequate staffing levels, personal protective equipment supplies, and isolation areas. The AFL also provides updated guidance on testing and management of newly admitted and readmitted residents, as well as procedures for the duration of isolation of residents. Non-compliance with the AFL may result in consequences for healthcare facilities.
Summaries are generataed using AI. Check important information.
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